The Fry Healthcare Foundation Festival of Hearts, which took place February 10 at Kootenai River Inn, was a resounding success, raising more than $40,000 to benefit Boundary Community Hospital. The majority of funds raised during the event will be used to purchase two Stryker Gurneys for Outpatient Surgery and the Emergency Department.
During the event, many of the attendees raised their paddles to support the hospital’s purchase of an Accuvein Vein Visualization Instrument. A representative from Accuvein demonstrated the instrument to the attendees by walking around to all of the tables and showing everyone how this instrument uses infrared technology, similar to a barcode scanner, to highlight veins for IV starts and blood draws.
The event sold out quickly this year with sponsors snapping up over half of the tickets and tables. The atmosphere was elegant, and the food prepared by the master chefs at Kootenai River Inn was delightful. Ken Yount did a great job as the auctioneer, extracting high amounts for the auction items while keeping the event fun and relaxed. According to Teresa Rae, vice president of Fry Healthcare Foundation, “We are pleased to be able to provide this special event at a time of year when the folks in Boundary County want to get together and celebrate. The dinner and auction format is just right, and we are so glad everyone is so generous.”
The Dessert Dash returned this year and was a rousing success. “One table pooled its resources to bid $1,005 to be able to pick first from the 15 spectacular desserts,” said Rae. It is a fun way for everyone at the event to participate and share the desserts, with many take-home boxes providing an extra amount to share. A special thank you to the restaurants and individuals who created the beautiful and delicious dessert array.
The Fry Healthcare Foundation and our community have raised $1.2 million to benefit the hospital over the past 21 years. A heartfelt thank you to everyone in the community for your continued support of the Foundation and its fundraising efforts on behalf of Boundary Community Hospital. The next event for Fry Healthcare Foundation will be the 10th Annual Golf Tournament at Mirror Lake Golf Course on September 7, 2018.