Imagine a world where children are abandoned by their parents—either dropped off at an orphanage or simply left on the street. That is the reality for many halfway around the world in Latvia, a country of nearly 2 million people that became independent from the Soviet Union in 1991. But thanks to many around the world and right here in Bonners Ferry, those children are given a chance to not only survive but thrive.
Eagle’s Wings Camp in Latvia is a faith-based camp whose goal is to provide Latvian children a place where they are loved, nurtured and can simply be free to be kids. While some children are abandoned, some in the orphanages there are ones with both parents deceased; no matter what the situation, the need is the same.
“They are so desperate for love and attention,” said Liesl Woomert, whose siblings have traveled to the camp. The camp, which has been operating for over a decade, is growing. Established buildings are in need of repair and the need to expand is great. To that end, for the second year in a row, there will be six people from our area traveling to Latvia in late April to assist with the building needs. But to do so will take money, and that is where the Bonners Ferry community comes in.
On March 30 at the Pearl Theater, there will be a fundraiser to help support those traveling on their mission. With doors opening at 6pm, there will be food prepared by Tracy Sherven and Liesl Woomert, live music by T. Scarlet, drinks and an auction that will consist of many items including handmade jewelry, artwork, firewood, a photo shoot and much more. Tickets are $40 at the door or $30 in advance.
“We raised $8,000 last year and hope to surpass that this year,” said Liesl. “It’s also important to note that while we are raising money to help children across the globe, we will also be donating a portion of our proceeds to children’s programs right here in our own community. There are children in our area who need help, and we all need to think globally and locally.”
Organizers are grateful to all who are supporting their mission including Purcell Mountain Construction and Hank Willis, DDS. For tickets or more information, contact Tallis at 208-217-2775 or Liesl at 208-610-0533.