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Easter Traditions

Easter Traditions

Whether you are 6 years old on a quest for candy, or 60 years old and love a family dinner around a formal table, Easter for many is synonymous with hope, renewal and rebirth. Whether it is passing down holiday traditions to your grandchildren or setting aside traditions in favor of simplifying, many of us look forward to a celebration of some kind. Wake up early! Hide the eggs! Bake the ham!

My own favorite Easter memories involve waking before dawn to dress in something frilly and pink, only to cover up in layers of blankets because a sunrise service is unrespecting of bare legs and new white Sunday sandals. “Up from the grave He arose!” we would sing, huddled around a hymnal while trying to keep the blanket close. Almost 30 years later and I am still singing the same resurrection songs, now with my own kids (although to be honest, my excitement over sunrise services has waned significantly).

This Easter, make time to make memories with your family. Attend one of the many church services together, have an Easter bonfire instead of a formal meal, go out in search of signs of new life in the woods.

Several churches have a special Resurrection service in addition to their standard schedule. “Sunrise” services on April 12: First Baptist Church, 7am at Pine Island, followed by breakfast at the church at 9:30am; Providence Bible Presbyterian Church, 8am.

Also, several groups around the county are hosting egg hunts for kids. On Saturday, April 11, you won’t want to miss the fun at Curley Creek Community Hall at 10am; 4H Kooteneers at Mt. Hall School (and book fair) at 10am; and Rotary Club at Boundary County Fairgrounds at 11am. On Sunday, April 12, United Methodist Church hosts their Easter egg hunt starting at 9am. This Easter weekend, celebrate new life while making new memories.


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