Bidding continues through December 14
The Fry Healthcare Foundation is excited to announce that they have brought back the Festival of Trees. A bit different than years past, BCH had each department participate by decorating a tree and picking their theme and items to accompany their tree. Whichever department wins by highest bid will receive $1,000 from Fry Healthcare Foundation toward equipment needed in their department.
The trees are currently on display in the Outpatient Lobby and will be so until December 14, and the silent auction will close at 1pm. Bidding is accepted online or in person, and the bids will be reconciled between online and in-person with the most current high bid daily.
The funds raised from this event will go toward purchasing two new defibrillators for Boundary Community Hospital’s Emergency and Acute Care departments. The needed defibrillators will cost approximately $37,000 to replace them.
Online Bidding can be found at
If you wish to donate toward BCH’s fund-an-item (Stryker Defibrillators), you can do so at