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The CHAFE 150: Riding for Every Reader

Updated: 2 days ago

The CHAFE 150: Riding for Every Reader
Photo courtesy of The Chafe 150

By Angel Dwyer

"Give a kid a book, and you change the world. In a way, even the universe." –Neil deGrasse Tyson

Originally inspired by Brad Williams, Libby, Montanian native and long-time Sandpoint resident, one local nonprofit has truly taken Tyson’s sentiment to heart. Since 2008, the CHAFE 150 Gran Fondo cyclists have swarmed the streets of Sandpoint, Idaho, through Troy, Montana, raising over $1 million in support of local education. In 2013, The Sandpoint Rotary Club took over the ride and continues to champion the cause for local youth literacy, funding projects ranging from after-school reading to programs for students on the autism spectrum, and the Book Trust.

Research has proven that early childhood literacy is key to long-term academic success. Because of the direct support of our vibrant community through fundraisers like the CHAFE 150, Lake Pend Oreille School District (LPOSD) students have far exceeded the national average for reading scores. This upcoming June 14th, the CHAFE 150’s 17th annual ride will be benefiting LPOSD’s new initiative, “Every Student Graduates a Reader.” This program uses a comprehensive approach to ensure children attain their highest reading potential. Mel Dick, a coordinator for the CHAFE 150 and Sandpoint Rotarian, shares about the initiative, “Beginning with fall literacy screenings, those found to need extra support undergo diagnostic assessments to pinpoint specific areas for improvement. Teachers are trained in evidence-based practices such as phonics and comprehension, ensuring they can provide effective reading instruction.

”The CHAFE 150 has over six routes of different lengths on roads and gravel, including a Family Fun Ride with three starting locations, four different start times, and seven rest stops along the way. Whether you are a hard-core rider or casually coasting on an e-bike, the ride provides an accessible route for all levels of experience. An after-party at City Beach Park in Sandpoint is open to the entire community, rider or not, and features food, a beer and wine garden, and activities for children. “Support for the ride over the years has been outstanding,” says Mel, noting that this year’s event has over 115 sponsors and 120 volunteers. Donations can be made through their website,, and with the hope to increase their ridership each year and, thus, their impact on our community, the need for sponsorships and volunteers is ever increasing.

“The ride has made a difference in the lives of thousands of students over the years,” Mel says, and there is certainly no end to that road in sight, so saddle up and get involved!

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